most popular choice, Hut accommodations

Trek Overview

The Marangu Route, nicknamed the “Coca-Cola” route, is renowned for its gentle terrain and comfortable hut accommodations, making it one of the easiest paths to summit Mount Kilimanjaro. It is ideal for first-time climbers and those preferring dormitory-style huts, which offer a more comfortable experience compared to tents. The Marangu Route also offers stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro and diverse landscapes

Why choose this Trek

  • Easiest Trek: Gradual slopes and well-defined paths make it less physically demanding.
  • Hut Accommodations: offer beds and dining facilities, providing more comfort than tents.
  • Scenic landscapes: It traverses diverse landscapes, from rainforests to moorlands and alpine desert.

What to Expect on the Marangu Trek

Lush Rainforest

Trek through a dense rainforest, you'll encounter vibrant flora and fauna, including unique plant species, colorful birds, and playful monkeys.

Huts Accommodations

Huts provide bunk beds, mattresses, blankets, shared dining areas, and toilet facilities, catering to trekkers' essential needs on Mount Kilimanjaro.

Giant Groundsels

Characterized by a long, stout, woody stem that supports a large rosette of leaves. It can reach impressive heights, often towering up to 5 meters (16 feet) tall.


Upon your arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport, our team will warmly greet you and transfer you to your hotel in Moshi or Arusha.Once settled, your knowledgeable guide will host a pre-climb briefing, answering all your questions and ensuring you’re well-prepared with the right gear for a safe climb.

Start your Kilimanjaro climb on the Marangu Route with a drive from Moshi to Marangu Gate (about 1 hour). After signing in, you’ll begin your hike. Walk for 4-5 hours through a beautiful rainforest. Your guide will show you interesting plants and animals, like monkeys and birds. You’ll spend your Night at Mandara Hut, which has beds, water, and toilets. Enjoy the scenery as you start your Kilimanjaro adventure!

Today, you’ll trek from Mandara Hut through heath and moorland landscapes, hiking for several hours. As you ascend towards Horombo Hut, nestled in a valley, you’ll enjoy stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro’s Mawenzi and Kibo peaks. Along the way, keep an eye out for unique plants like the towering groundsels, which can reach heights of up to 16 feet. Tonight, you’ll spend the night at Horombo Hut, surrounded by the impressive scenery of Kilimanjaro’s slopes

During these activities, your body adjusts to the high altitude, preparing you for the summit push. Short hikes near the hut aid in acclimatization. A popular option is a 4–5-hour roundtrip to Mawenzi Saddle, featuring unique rock formations known as Zebra Rocks. Stay hydrated and maintain a slow pace. After your hike, dine and rest at Horombo Huts, gearing up for the next leg of your journey.

Wake early for a stunning sunrise photo opportunity! After breakfast, continue your gradual trek through heathland. Today’s hike is challenging due to the higher altitude as you approach the saddle between Mawenzi and Kibo, Kilimanjaro’s peak, with the landscape resembling the moon’s surface. Tonight, rest at Kibo Hut, a basic shelter, before your summit attempt tomorrow

Around midnight, begin a tough 6-7 hour climb to Uhuru Peak, the highest point in Africa at 5,895 meters! Enjoy amazing views from the top of Kilimanjaro, known as the “Roof of Africa.” After celebrating your achievement, descend for 7-8 hours back to Horombo Hut for rest and dinner. It’s a challenging day that pushes you, but the memories will last a lifetime!

Enjoy a delicious breakfast before conquering the easiest part of the climb a beautiful 5-6 hour walk down through the rainforest, leading you back to Marangu Gate. From there, our driver guide will take you back to Moshi and then to Kilimanjaro Airport for your departure

Price Includes

Pre and post-trek stays in comfortable lodgings.

Professional guides, skilled cooks, and dedicated porters

 Convenient transfers to and from the mountain gate.

Park entry, camping, rescue fees, and VAT covered.

Double-layered sleeping mats for a good night’s rest.

Nutritious and delicious meals served three times daily on the mountain

Access to filtered water throughout the trek and hot water for washing

Pick-up and drop-off services at the airport.

Price Excludes

Your travel to and from Tanzania is not included.

Any fees from your bank for international transactions are not covered

Costs for personal items and services like souvenirs or extra snacks are your responsibility.

It’s customary to tip the guides, cooks, and porters for their hard work and support.

You must arrange your visa and travel insurance, but we can help guide you through the process.

Any costs for personal communication, laundry services, or internet use are not included in the package.

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